The Income Snowball

Have you ever wished you had a job that could multiply your income? Not just a standard annual raise, if you are lucky enough to even get that. But truly multiply your income? Society tells us the only way to do that is to work two or three jobs and not have any rest. Well, that method stinks. That mindset is flawed. I want to tell you about a better way.

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The Iguana House Flip

This was a surprising house flip that took place at the start of the 2020 pandemic. But Covid-19 was not the strange part of it. What was discovered inside the home is what makes this story unique. You will want to read this, it is a little long but very interesting. There will be pictures. This was a very profitable flip and I will provide numbers from the perspective if you would have bought it wholesale from me since I did try to wholesale it early on. If you are curious as to the title of this post “The Iguana House” you will need to continue reading to find out more. I’ll include all the before and after pictures of the flip as well. Look to the very end for more.

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One of the best ways to feel better and be happy, which in turn helps you to be successful, is to be Thankful. Give thanks for what you have, for what you know, for the good and the bad. All of the things that happen to you in life help you become who you are. During this time of year, be sure to always Give Thanks.

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How I saved $650

How often do you get a bill for more than you were expecting to pay? Do you ever do anything about it? I recently had this happen to me and with some persistence I was able to get it taken care of with even better results than I was expecting. Keep reading to see how just a few minutes of your time can save you hundreds or even thousands.

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How To Buy A House

Do you think you are ready to take a step toward the “American Dream”? Tired of paying rent and want to start building equity and be a homeowner? If you said Yes to those questions but don’t know what to do next, I’m here to help. It’s a lot to cover but we will keep it as concise as possible while still providing value. Read on to learn how easy it can be.

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