How many times have you heard that the only way to get ahead in life is to go to college, study hard, get a good job, and then you will make good money?

Has that been the case for you?

Maybe for some people, sure. There are those who make well over $100k per year with a good job that they may or may not have obtained through years of studying.

There are many software engineers and programmers who I personally know who are basically self taught or took very little school classes. They start with a smaller company to get some experience and then start moving up into better jobs.

Other people maybe work their way to become CEO or a Doctor, etc.

Sometimes these jobs also bring a very large amount of student debt. If you want to become a dentist or orthodontist you should expect to have a high six-figure student debt bill to pay. They plan for all of those is that they will make a lot of money so it doesn’t matter, it will pay itself off.

What if it doesn’t? What if you get injured and can no longer do that job?

Don’t get me wrong, school education is good for those people seeking a skilled position like a doctor, dentist, or lawyer. But the vast majority of people take on a lot of debt just to get a generic degree and then can’t get a good job to pay it off. They come out of college with maybe $60k in debt and get a job paying $20-30k/year to start. Looking at numbers you may think, no big deal. I can still pay that off quickly. But after taking your living expenses out, you may not be able to afford to even make the minimum payments. Or if you can, it will leave you broke with no extra savings or disposable income. It will be miserable.

Whatever you decide to do, think ahead. If you decide to study whatever, if you think that is best for you, then just do it. But, don’t plan to rely solely on just that income. You never want to depend on one income source. That single income stream can stop for many reasons. You get sick, injured, or get laid off or fired. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, that will be especially devastating.

Use those brains of yours to get creative. Think with the mind of a multi-millionaire! The wealthy uses money and debt as tools to create more income and wealth. They will always have multiple income streams. And you should too!

Preferably, make them passive income streams. One of the absolute best income streams that I preach about a lot here is rental income. Or income from rental real estate.

Especially if you land one of those high-paying jobs, instead of spending it right away buying a new car and a big house, use it to invest. Build up those income streams and wealth building through real estate first! Then use the income from those properties to support the lifestyle you want to live.

Set yourself up early. Once you get those first cash flows, you will be hooked and you will instantly want to start seeing more. You will then look at things differently and put more thought into buying those expensive things that you probably don’t really need.

If you are too busy to look for, analyze, purchase, and manage a property, you can still invest completely hands-off through a syndication. This is also a good option if you don’t have good enough credit to get a loan for a rental property.

A syndication can be a great way to still create passive income from the cash flows and build wealth. You will have to do some work on the front end to review the people you will be investing with and the expected returns from the property itself. Not all opportunities are equal.

So far the highest cash flows I have seen in any offered real estate syndication are with Happy Camper Capital, they purchase RV Resort Campgrounds.

The one thing to consider with syndications is that they always have a minimum investment. So you need to have some savings or access to capital, such as an IRA or other source. Minimums can be as low as $25k but the average is $50k.

That may seem like a lot of money. But, you don’t necessarily have to do it alone. If you know some friends like you who have some savings, you can pool your money together and easily form an LLC to invest with. Or even join an investment club and pool your money with others.

You don’t have to be a genius to invest in real estate and create multiple streams of income. But you do have to be smart enough to not get into so much debt that you can;t save and get the money you need to be able to invest.

Use your BRAINS! And you can be set for life and retire early. Don’t buy a new, expensive car or truck. Buy something used and cheap that can get you around and save what you would have spent on a car payment so that you can invest as soon as possible.

Where do you want to be in 5-10 years? Still working the same job as an employee? Or a multi-millionaire living your dream?

Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy Real Estate and WAIT!

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