When working toward FI or paying down debt, most people try to spend less, some try to earn more. You need to increase the gap between what you earn and what you spend. Why not do both?
Continue reading “Grow the Gap : Earn more or spend less?”The FIRE Movement
Over the last few years in particular there has been a massive new movement happening around the world. It is known as the FIRE movement. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence Retire Early. There have been many who side either for or against this movement. This blog is part of that movement. This post will serve to help explain what it is and how you can benefit from it.
How to start a Blog…The BEST way
Many of us have the desire to start a blog (myself included). Sounds simple enough, after all there are many tutorials out there that make it look super easy. You may even get an offer to get blog hosting at a discount if you sign up through somebody’s link. That’s exactly what I did several months ago. And then after that I was left to try to figure things out on my own. Signing up is the easy part. Figuring out WordPress and how to make it all work together is the hard part. I even asked a well-known blogger if there was an easy way to figure it out, and they told me it is just a LOT of trial and error.
Continue reading “How to start a Blog…The BEST way”