Is debt good or bad? It depends on your point of view and how you utilize debt. There are some well-known proponents that say stay out of debt no matter what. Debt is bad. I disagree. Debt is a tool if used wisely. Read on to understand why debt can be good.

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How To Buy A House

Do you think you are ready to take a step toward the “American Dream”? Tired of paying rent and want to start building equity and be a homeowner? If you said Yes to those questions but don’t know what to do next, I’m here to help. It’s a lot to cover but we will keep it as concise as possible while still providing value. Read on to learn how easy it can be.

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This is for all Seniors recently graduated from High School or anyone who is at least 18 years old and needs help to build credit. Now that you are an “adult” you need to work to establish credit. This is a MUST DO on your list of things to do next in your life.