Track Your Net Worth

Read on to find out how you can get a FREE Net Worth Tracker.

One of the things all wealthy people do is to track their net worth. Why? It is motivating. As you see your net worth increase it gives you the motivation to keep working to improve your financial position. Gary Keller is a well-known author of many books on Real Estate and Business, he is also the co-founder and face of Keller Williams Realty. He is known for checking his Net Worth daily.

As discussed in one of our first blog posts, you should first track your expenses. You need to know what you spend. Do this for at least a full 30 days if not more. Use this to help you outline a real working budget to then do your best to follow. When you are at that point or even before then, you can start tracking your net worth. As mentioned it can be something to help drive you to be better. To eliminate more of your debts and to increase your savings or investing.

If you don’t know where you are at with your financial position and don’t know where you want to be, you won’t make any changes to get you in a better position. Many of us think that we are good. But when you put it all down you may not be as good as you thought. Or vice versa, you may think you are in deep trouble but then you find out you are actually doing pretty good.

The net worth tracker can serve as a roadmap to see where you need to improve to help you reach your retirement goals.

Where to get one

You are in luck! You can get a simple net worth tracker in a spreadsheet to help get you started. I am offering this for FREE by subscribing to my email list. Don’t worry, you won’t get spammed and you won’t be getting a ton of emails that get annoying. Trust me, I hate those as well. No, you will just get the spreadsheet for you to fill in your numbers. Be sure to share this post with your friends and relatives as well, or anyone who you feel could benefit from this.

Once you are confident and need something a bit more powerful, you can sign up for a free account with Personal Capital. You can then create nice looking reports and have your net worth show up-to-date information daily. Use this link HERE to get a $20 sign up bonus. You will be asked to have a phone call with them to discuss your financial plans, but once on the call you can explain that you are not ready for their services, unless you are, and kindly decline. Then you will get an email with a link for a $20 Amazon gift card.


Your Net Worth Tracker is also your personal financial statement. It is how a Lender will see you when you apply for a loan. They will want to see all of your assets and liabilities in a similar fashion to the spreadsheet I will send you. That way when you apply for a loan you could come in prepared with your info ready for them to help get things moving faster and make you look like a star customer. Of course they will still want to see the actual statements for each asset and liability anyway but it will help give them a good idea of where you stand right at the start.

But the main reason to have it is just so you can be reminded of where you are trying to get and can then take the necessary steps to get there.