Playing With FIRE

How Far Would You Go For Financial Freedom?

Much of what we discuss on this blog has to do with Financial Freedom. There are many ways to achieve it. My preference is using Real Estate. But that is not the only or necessarily the best way to do it. Personal Finance is ‘personal’ so it is up to you to discover what works best for you.

And when I say YOU, that means you and your significant other and/or family. Like it or not, if you are married or in a serious relationship, you cannot head down this path alone. You need support.

For those that possibly have not read my previous posts or followed other finance sites, FIRE is the common-known acronym for Financial Independence Retire Early. It involves making smart money decisions to get your life in order so that you can enjoy it. Life was not meant to be lived in a cubicle.

There is a new documentary that is being released this year in select cities around the world. But the only way they make it to be actually shown is to get enough pre-sale tickets ahead of time.

I urge you to find a location near you and go see it. Take your spouse or partner and other family members and friends. Everyone who sees this film will learn something of benefit. It will give you a topic of discussion. Money is a hard thing to talk about for some people. But when it gets in your face like this, then it makes it easier to bring up.

Get your tickets to see Playing With FIRE here!

Why do people seek FIRE?

It allows freedoms you cannot otherwise enjoy. Not everybody will want to retire. You may really love your job and that is fine. But having that freedom in your mind to know that you CAN if you want to, gives you more courage to take more risks at work and if the day would ever come when you don’t enjoy it anymore, you have the peace of mind to walk away.

It may allow you to pursue your dream. You may have just ended up in a job for whatever reason and feel like you are stuck there. But your passion wants to you to do something else but you can’t take the risk or you need the income your current job provides and there never seemed to be a way out. But if you can reach your FIRE number then you can leave that job and go either start your own business doing what you enjoy or at least get the job you want even if it pays less because you no longer depend on that income. What would you do if you no longer HAVE to work to earn your income? Would you travel the world? Spend time with family to create memories?


Most people that do the work it takes to retire early, believe me it is WORK, will not want to then just sit around and watch Netflix all day. You have sacrificed and possibly suffered to get there. No, you’ll want to keep busy. Another way to think about FIRE is Financial Independence Retire ENTREPRENEUR because that is what you will likely do. Start a new business, start a non-profit, start a blog, write a book, etc. By the way, if you want to start a blog, check out my previous post on this subject HERE.

Even if you don’t aspire to retire early so that you can travel and spend more time with your family. That’s fine. But it still would be smart to increase your savings and decrease your expenses so that you have more freedom and can take advantage of opportunities when they come up.

What if you were at the very early stages of Google or Berkshire Hathaway and had the opportunity to invest in them before they were known to the world? Would you be able to take advantage of that opportunity at this moment? If you have no savings and no extra disposable income, you can’t. And you would regret it the rest of your life. Kind of how I feel today when I saw the CEO of Netflix (NFLX) on some finance show in the year 2000 or 2001 when the stock prices were under $3.

It was a different company then, streaming wasn’t a thing yet, just mailing DVDs. Smartphones didn’t even exist if you can believe that. They were competing with Blockbuster and physical dvd rental stores like that. But at that moment I didn’t have much money and didn’t know how to invest even if I did. If I would have had just $1,000 to risk on investing in that, I could have bought about 340 shares and it would be worth about $115k today. Don’t let Opportunity Cost end up costing you your future.

Get your tickets to see Playing With FIRE here! Find a location near you. If you can’t find one, you can request it, just like I did.

If you are anywhere in Eastern Idaho or Western Wyoming or Northern Utah, please make the drive and come see it in Idaho Falls. Get your Idaho Falls, ID tickets HERE.

Depending on when you read this post, the Idaho Falls event is set to show on August 22nd, 2019. But we MUST sell enough tickets by August 14th, 2019 for it to be able to show here. Please SHARE this Post and SHARE the links on all of your favorite social media sites. Help raise awareness for this cause and take part in this movement! Buy some extra tickets to give out to people you know need to hear the message. I hope to see you there! Reserve your place on the Road to Financial Freedom NOW!