Today I am going to discuss the absolute best and easiest way to get started in Real Estate investing AND at the same time also work toward Financial Independence. It is through a concept known as House-Hacking.
Getting Over FEAR
Fear. It’s the thing that holds us back. We are all afraid of something. Fear of failure, fear of losing, fear of the unknown, fear of success. Fear can talk us out of making a wise choice because it is different than what we normally do.
The FIRE Movement
Over the last few years in particular there has been a massive new movement happening around the world. It is known as the FIRE movement. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence Retire Early. There have been many who side either for or against this movement. This blog is part of that movement. This post will serve to help explain what it is and how you can benefit from it.
My Story – Massive Debt to Financial Freedom
I want to share my story because if I don’t why else would you continue reading anything? I want to share with the world my experience, struggles, triumphs and everything I have learned so that it may be of benefit to someone else who is struggling with debt and feels there is no way out. Trust me, you can do it and it may not be as hard as you may think. And you may discover some additional sources of income to help you do it. Sorry this post is really long, but full of good info that will hopefully help you relate.
Why you should read this blog
My Story
The reason I decided to start this blog was to provide a forum where I can share my experience and my journey working through paying off a large amount of debt while finding ways to increase income to be able to reach financial independence and retire early.
Continue reading “Why you should read this blog”The Road Less Traveled
Financial Independence
Making the hard decisions to have the best life

We all dream of being millionaires, winning the lottery to have the easy life of fortune and no worries. For some this is a reality.
Continue reading “The Road Less Traveled”