Where do you want to be in 10 years?

RISK – It is a popular board game, but also something most people try to avoid. Are you a risk taker?

Most people never accomplish their dreams.


Because they are too afraid to take the risks involved.

What is more risky?

Taking a chance on doing something great, or not taking any chance and doing nothing?

If you do nothing, then nothing will change. That to me is more risky.

By taking a chance and working toward your dream, you can at least say you tried. If you don’t even try, then you will always live with the question of “What if?”

I am 5 years into my big leap at taking a risk investing in real estate and that alone has already created over $1 Million in Net Worth! It is something I was extremely scared to start. So many things could have gone wrong and left me totally bankrupt or worse! But, luckily that did not happen. But had I not taken that chance, I would have continued working paycheck to paycheck, never getting ahead.

What I have learned and gained in that time will only compound upon itself in the next 5 years. I fully expect to be a multi-millionaire when I hit the 10 year mark. It is much like compounding interest. And the new connections I make will help propel that even faster.

My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner. This is the NUMBER ONE regret most people have who invest in Real Estate. But it is never too late. I started at 40. You can start at any age and it WILL make a difference. Time is on your side when you start younger. But even if you just want to boost your retirement at 60+, it will still give you extra income and a legacy to leave your heirs.

If you want to change your life and change your future for the generations to come, don’t be afraid to take some risks. 

That does not mean go put your life savings into crypto-currency. I would never suggest that. Take educated risks.

Be smart! Align yourself with someone like me who can help you create wealth with reduced risk.

You can do it alone, like I did and take several years, and stress, and making mistakes, or you can accelerate your learning curve, and your wealth growth, by leaning on the expertise of others.

Too busy, you say? Invest passively with a great syndication team like Happy Camper Capital.

Watch your income and wealth grow faster than you could have imagined without having to do any of the work! You won’t have to deal with evictions, toilet clogs, replacing flooring, or any of that. There are great tax incentives too!

Are you ready to begin your path to Financial Freedom? Do you want to become a Millionaire? Connect with me today and let’s set up a time to talk.

Don’t just THINK about your future and the life you wish you could live.

Be a DOER! Take Action!

Or don’t, and stay an employee the rest of your life.

Where (Who) do you want to be in 10 years?